Disposal of shares
Agreement by which a person unrelated to the already established company becomes part of it by purchasing a portion of the shares from the other shareholders. It is also possible that a shareholder transfers part of his shares to another party that is already part of the company structure, decreasing its share in the company or even dissolving its corporate commitments. The transfer between transferor (the person who sells the shares) and transferee (who takes over the shares of the transferor) is finalised by public deed, regardless of the type of company, but with different procedures. The liability of the shareholders, both assignors and assignees, changes in relation to whether to company is a partnership or a joint-stock company (with reference, therefore, to the different financial autonomy).
- Contracts
- Preliminary agreement
- Contract of sale or return
- Contract of administering
- Lease agreement
- Work contract
- Transport
- Mandate
- Agency contract
- Business procurement
- Brokerage
- Contract of loan
- Guarantee
- Contract of employment
- NDA = Non disclosure Agreement
- Sponsoring
- Logistics
- Rent to buy
- Brand Ambassador
- Franchising
- Subcontracting
- Distribution agreements
- Business divestments
- Corporate Lease
- Disposal of shares
- Leasing
- Shareholder's agreements
- Option contract
- License agreement
- General conditions of the agreement