Corporate law

Corporate law

The Firm's members, in addition to a long-term experience in the matter deriving from the exercise of their profession, have held and still hold positions within the Board of Directors of various companies, including public, listed and unlisted, and entities.

Establishment of companies, joint ventures, consortiums, ATIs, acquisitions, demergers, mergers, rents, transformations, sales and acquisitions of company holdings, sales and transfers of companies and business units, company liquidations and restructurings, insolvency procedures for bankruptcy law purposes , are just some of the activities for which the Studio offers assistance and advice.

Among the most relevant operations please note:

  • The assistance to the seller in the transfer of a leading company operating in the food business to a French group of International dimension;
  • The assistance in the preparation of contracts related to the transfer of a leading company in the sector of miling;
  • The creation of corporate structures with both operational and control purposes in various industries;
  • The assistance in the drafting and in the negotiation of contract related to the transfer of a majority quota in a leading company operating in the field of TLC to an Italian financial company and preparation of shareholders' agreements in order to protect the minority;
  • The assistance in the preparation of a merger project and in the drafting of the relevant corporate acts for an important company operating in the fashion industry;
  • The assistance in the procedure for the admission to trading and listing in the Italian Stock Exchange of an Italian leading company in the field of distribution of IT products;
  • The assistance and advice in the constitution of an ATI for a public offer concerning the restructuration o fan important public building.