Avv. Rossella Resoli
Mail: r.resoli@macchionresoli.it
Pec: rossella.resoli@ordineavvocatipadova.it
Activity areas
- Litigation and Arbitration - Domestic litigation
- Litigation and arbitration
- Litigation and arbitration - arbitration
- High school diploma in Classics,
- Master’s degree in Law, University of Padua
- Specialization seminar on reforms and impact on the civil process
- Master in separation and divorce agreements according to Law 162/14 (internal and transnational cases)
- Specialization seminar on assisted negotiation of the lawyer
- Specialization seminar on the recognition and implementation of foreign judgments in the U.E.
- Masters in setting up proceedings in civil proceedings: terms and strategies
- Masters in internal and international arbitration
- Specialization seminar on individual dismissal and abbreviated rite
- Specialization seminar on the abuse of law and good faith
- Training course on the collaborative process in family law
- Register of Lawyers of Padua since 1983
- Registration in the Special Register of Cassation Lawyers
- Civil Chamber of Padua
- "Lawyer for negotiation" Committee
- Confindustria Veneto Centro
- A.I.A.F. (Italian Association of Family Lawyers
- A.I.G.L.I. (International Association of Italian Language Lawyers of Milan)
- French