Avv. Daniele Macchion
Mail: d.macchion@macchionresoli.it
Pec: daniele.macchion@ordineavvocatipadova.it
Activity areas
- Corporate law
- Mergers & Acquisition
- Renewable energy law
- International taxation
- Litigation and arbitration - arbitration
- High school diploma in Classics,
- Master’s degree in Law, University of Ferrara
- Master in “Analysis of budgets of private and public companies”, University L.U.I.S.S. of Rome
- Master in “International planning and taxation”, C.U.O.A. of Vicenza
- A.I.S.A. of Bologna "National and International Referees Training"
- TRUST ITALIA training course for "Training on the Trust Institute"
- Short Master in "Consulting for the development and protection of business - professional updating and tax planning 2011 - 2012", Euroconference Group
- Specialization seminar in the photovoltaic sector and the regulatory framework for 2011, Milan, February 2011
- Short Master in "Statutory Financial Statements for Lawyers", Euroconference Group
- Masters in "Corporate reorganization and insolvency proceedings", IPSOA
- Register of Lawyers of Padua
- Delta Erre S.p.a.
- Confindustria Veneto Centro
- A.E.R.E.C.- European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations
- Department of E.N.V.A - National Agency for the Enhancement of Commerce, Industry and Crafts of Rome
- A.I.G.L.I. (International Association of Italian Language Lawyers of Milan) dell’U.I.A. (Union International des Avocats di Parigi)
- Panathlon International Club of Cittadella (PD)
- French